10 things to look for when choosing a gym

May 22, 2011

Your gym can affect the way you feel about exercising. I spend a considerable amount of time in the gym every day, so I want to feel good about being there. When we as potential new members enter a gym, salespersons can be very pushy. That's why it's a good idea to know what you're looking for before signing a contract. These are the things I look for before signing up for a gym membership:

1. Facilities 
Do they have the equipment I need for my workouts? Is there enough equipment or will there be a wait during busy hours? Are there racquetball courts or a running track? 

2. Hours
Short weekend hours is a turn-off. Open 24/7 is a plus.

3. Cleanliness and maintenance
A minimum level of cleanliness is expected. As for maintenance, nobody likes a gym that has equipment out of order for too long.

4. Membership rules and price
Membership prices vary widely depending on where you live. Is the price fair for what is offered? I prefer a month-to-month membership, but having a one-year contract is usually cheaper. A gym that doesn't allow grunting, barefoot squats and deadlifts, or has a no tank top rule is not a gym for me.
5. Parking
Free and ample parking is a must if the gym is not within walking distance.

6. Clientele
Young or old? Loud look-at-me people? Bodybuilders? Cardio bunnies? Meat market? Personally I’m there just to do my workout. I appreciate those who are there to do the same. I’m not interested in hearing about the upcoming basketball game or witness awkward pick-up attempts.

7. Lighting
Dark lighting is for sleep. I prefer bright, energizing lights for my workouts. 

8. Crowdedness
I dislike crowded areas and I like having my space when I am working out. 

9. Distance from home
Although I’m willing to drive a distance to get to a great gym, having it nearby is a plus.

10. Mirrors
I like keeping an eye on my form, the more mirrors the better.

Most large gyms offer amenities such as classes and child care facilities. If these are important to you, make sure the gym you are considering meets your needs.

(Our car got broken into last night which reminded me to add another one: Safety. If you plan to finish your workouts late, you may want to pick a gym in a safe area.)

3 comments (+add yours?)

Elisabeth said...

Akkurat dette med prosentvis innhold etc blir for avansert for meg :-P sier meg nada. Men det er min gynekolog ved Ullevål som har fortalt meg dette, og det står flere steder på nettet. Bivirkningene er de samme som ved p-piller, ja.

Mulig det påvirker kroppen i like stor grad, også. Jeg er ingen lege. Men min gynekolog sa ihvertfall det :) Uansett er alle slike typer av hormonprevensjon noe dritt :-P

Me said...

Ja, det står flere steder på nettet, men det stemmer ikke, jfr. Felleskatalogen.

Serumkonsentrasjon betyr konsentrasjon i blodet. Ringen frigir gjennomsnittlig 120 μg etonogestrel og 15 μg etinyløstradiol per 24 timer. Av dette blir 100% av etonogestrel, og ca. av etinyløstradiol tatt opp i blodet. Se: http://felleskatalogen.no/felleskatalogen/?mainpage=/felleskatalogen/show.do%3Ffilename%3D/content/preparat-register/N/NuvaRing...Organon_562234.html%26printable%3D0%26frameset%3D1%26thin%3D0%26href%3D0

Én ting jeg er enig i er at hormonprevensjon har alt for mange negative virkninger.

Me said...

Skrivefeil, det skulle stå: Av dette blir 100% av etonogestrel, og ca. 56% av etinyløstradiol tatt opp i blodet.

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