Debunking the funk: Myths and misconceptions about women and weight training

May 05, 2011

A good diet is the key to getting your abs to show.

Let's talk about some common beliefs about women and weight training. 

Women should not lift heavy and do the same exercises as men.

In order for body recomposition to take place you have to do some kind of resistance training and you have to exert yourself.  Doing solely cardio will only make you a smaller version of yourself. It will not make your bum tighter and it will not give you firm arms.

The adductor and abductor machines should be part of every woman’s workout.

Every exercise has its purpose but there are other exercises that are better suited to be main leg exercises.

 Women will get bulky, big and “manly” if they lift heavy weights.

Building muscle, especially for women, takes a lot of hard work in the gym and a surplus of quality calories over several years. Trust me, you will not get big and muscular unless you try. Hard. 

 “I don’t want to target my [insert body part here (usually legs)] because they are big and muscular already”.
They may be big, but chances are unless you have been trying to build your legs for years a lot of the mass is not muscle. It’s fat. However, your legs do have the largest muscles in your body. 
The more you use and develop them the higher your caloric expenditure will be, resulting in greater fat burning – even at rest!

It's perplexing how some people seem to think that doing for example weighted squats will make their legs humongous but doing hundreds of crunches will only make their stomach flatter. (?)

A girlfriend of mine once told me she wants to “tone up” but not get arms as big as mine. When we measured our arm circumference her arms were actually already bigger than mine! The difference is that muscle is denser than fat and thus takes up less space than the equivalent amount of fat.

 Doing many reps with light weight will “tone” your muscles.

If you are not exerting yourself and your muscles while working out you are simply wasting your time. Your muscles will not get stronger and grow unless you are challenging them to do so just as running the same distance every time will not improve your endurance.

Doing countless crunches will give you great abs.

Ab exercises are great but your diet is more important when it comes to getting nice abs.

Do yourself a favor. Cut down on the cardio and pick up the weights. They are not just for men.

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